Friday, August 5, 2011

Why $tiforp

Introducing THE NEXT House Hold Name in the $130 BILLION per year Direct Selling Industry!!

There are OVER 200 Million Home Based Business Operators in the world and sooner or later they ALL WILL need this service...STIFORP. [PROFITS spelled backwards]

Here is an interesting the Yukon and California Gold Rushes, the people that made the MOST money were those who were selling mining tools, NOT the miners.

Now...the powerline shows you how FAST the company is growing because with this Pay Plan, everyone only has 2 front line positions in this fast filling company forced 2x14 Matrix and once when those two spots are filled, the ONLY place for everyone else to go is UNDER the ones who are already in there.

STIFORP just went into pre-launch and if you look at the 'Leader Board' you can see how much SUCCESS people are having. Some have already personally enrolled 5, 10, 20, 50 people...some with over 100 people.

Don't think you have to enroll a 100 people to make fact, you can max out the Pay Plan with just TWO personally enrolled people. The point is, those leaders have only TWO front line positions and what that means to you is ALL of those other people are falling under EVERYBODY ELSE who is already in the matrix. So, all of the people you see under you in the powerline now, is NOTHING. will go into the matrix before all of those people which is great, but that is NOT what is exciting !!

Let me demonstrate how this works...Please find the email that you have received from and click on the link in the email ( or simply login to your very own stiforP back office ).

Then click on the "Genealogy" tab ( or as a paid member click on "Company Momentum" tab on the left side of your stiforP back office ) at the top and you will see how many PAID Members have joined since you first pre-enrolled, as well as how many have just pre-enrolled since you did. Then look to the lower left corner and see...Click Here to See Everyone Under you in the Powerline.

NOW...what IS EXCITING is the HUNDREDS of people who will join next WEEK and the THOUSANDS of people who will join next MONTH and the potential of the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS or even the MILLIONS OF PEOPLE who join over the next 12 months.

All of these people are going into the 2 x 14 matrix UNDER the people who are already in there...THAT is what the powerline is all about. Are YOU starting to understand that is what makes this POWERLINE system so POWERFUL and that is one of the reasons that STIFORP is one of THE FASTEST GROWING COMPANIES in this INDUSTRY?

AGAIN... Remember, there are OVER 100 MILLION Home Based Business Operators (Network Marketers) in this world and sooner or later THEY WILL need STIFORP.

Don't get excited about the 200 people that you see under you in the powerline, because MAYBE a few of those people will fall under you in the matrix, but that is NOT where the money is...what is SO EXCITING is the MILLIONS of people who are going to join this program in the next few years. THE ONLY PLACE for them to fall is UNDER the ONES WHO ARE ALREADY in there AND the people you introduce STIFORP to right NOW!

See you at the STIFORP HERE

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Stiforp Compensation Payplan

STIFORP equals profits backwards but don’t you be backwards when it comes to joining up with this new site. I was determined not to sign up for anything new because of my existing workload and my resulting lowering productivity. I just could not pass up this chance especially as I was invited to join the STIFORP. I not only joined, I upgraded because I was so impressed.

Currently in pre-launch phase with first cut off date 5th August, if you get in quickly you can make the most of the opportunity.

Here are the amazing features you will get when you join up:

Stiforp Compensation Payplan:

  • 2 x 14 tight fast filling matrix
  • Guaranteed “Forced” Spillover
  • Fast Start Bonuses
  • 5 generations of matching bonuses

At a cost of only $9.95 per month to upgrade, you only need to bring in one person every 2 months to make a profit. The training and promotional resources included in your upgrade will make this easy to achieve, even if you normally do not have success getting referrals.

Promote Stiforp and ANY business

STIFORP includes all of these promotional and training tools free with your membership:

  • Autoresponders with follow ups to build your referrals
  • Landing pages – You can choose which page you want to use and will get your own website URL to go with it
  • Contact Manager – a fully integrated contact manager with built in tracking software. Find out where your leads are coming from.
  • Video spokespeople on your landing page – this sort of website feature normally costs a fortune.
  • Interactive Flash movies – Create video presentations to promote any product you wish.
  • Lead capture pages
  • Traffic rotators You can run co-op ad campaigns to help your team grow.
  • Conferences. Host a team call or invite your new team members to a call.
  • Network Marketing Training by experts
  • Banner ads, Print ad ideas, follow up scripts and lead source recommendations
  • … plus much more

Some programs charge you the same amount or more for only one of these tools. Your $9.95 Stiforp membership includes ALL of these. FREE TOUR HERE

That is why I launched STIFORP!

The industry of network marketing is always changing. What worked 20, 10, even 5 years ago doesn't always work today. Many companies have great products, great compensation plans, and great leadership. Unfortunately many also lack the marketing tools to help you build your team easier, faster, and stronger than others.

We know you are committed to the company you are involved in. Whether the product is a travel program, a super juice, insurance, nutritional products, weight loss, skin care, or anything else, we know you are in that company for a reason. You love the product, you love the compensation plan, your friends are in it, the owners are great. Whatever your reason, we want to help you MAXIMIZE your income in that program.

THAT is what STIFORP is all about. The challenge in the home based business industry is that the extent of most companies' tools is a corporate replicated website. While a website is great for information, it takes MUCH more than that to get people excited enough to join your opportunity.

With Stiforp, you now have ALL the tools you need to take ANY business to the NEXT LEVEL. From landing pages to capture your prospects information, to follow up autoresponders to continuously remind them of your opportunity and get them excited about joining, to live actors and flash movies on your website to help paint a picture of success for your prospects, to advertisements, follow up scripts, a traffic rotator to build multiple businesses at the same time, and so much MORE.

And it doesn't stop there. As the industry continues to change, we are COMMITTED to always bringing you the best technology, tools, trainings, and other resources that you need to stay ahead of the game and continue to build your business faster, easier, and stronger than ever...all at a price that EVERYONE can afford!

This industry has truly blessed myself and my family and Stiforp is my way of giving back to the industry and helping more people than EVER be able to finally achieve success. I truly believe that what we have put together is something that every marketer MUST HAVE. And with over 300 MILLION people involved in this incredible industry, that is a LOT of volume that will be going into the matrix to help you earn even MORE!

Thank you again for joining us on this journey. We are very excited for you to experience what we have built.

We have a VERY knowledgeable and hardworking support team, so if you have a question, please email them anytime at I am also giving you, yes you Muhamad Hamidi, my personal cell phone number and Skype name. If there is ever ANYTHING I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I am here for YOU.

Your Friend and Business Partner,

Nauder Khazan
Cell: 714 348 3626
Skype: Nauder777 ( I am RARELY on Skype )

Yahoo: Nauder777

Monday, July 25, 2011

Why join Stiforp? – Don’t until you have read this..


Stiforp is a brand new network marketing opportunity now in pre-launch. The official launch date is 20 Sept 2011.

The Stiforp companies products are generic marketing tools & live training to help you build your main business.

Now you will have probably already seen all the emails and other messages flying around the internet and possibly already look at it and wondered why join? Is is any good?

Let me ask you a question, are You Squeamish About Money?

I hope not, but if you are, ignore this blog post now.

I got one of those ‘calls’ the other day, and despite the success that I am currently enjoying, I thought this was too good to miss. (Haven’t we all done that before?)

You see, the ‘call’ came from a person whose success and ability to make money was difficult for me to ignore. You see the call came from a very good friend of mine, Ian Orford, who has been in this industry for 25 years and enjoyed multiple 6 figure incomes..

Ian runs a successful eCommerce business ($6 million turnover last year) and had sworn off Networking! But this, well this has really got his attention and brought him out of retirement!

Because of this call from Ian, I am now helping him put together a leadership team, people who can connect with others and do it quickly! There is no altruism here; this is about money, lots of it, and quickly, cheques that will build to $30/40k per month fast.

If that’s for you, get back to me, but please do it quickly, I don’t want you to miss the boat.

This has been designed to have a very low barrier to entry, build very quickly, and have longevity

Right now, this has just gone into Pre Launch and looks set to explode worldwide with the power of the internet.

If you are genuinely interested in looking at a Networking project that will truly put in at the front of the line and potentially make you a great deal of money, (and I don’t say this lightly), then get in quick by clicking on the register button below..

It’s important when looking at any opportunity that you join it in the right team, help, support and marketing strategies are vital if you are to succeed. I am a part of Frank Astheimer’s Dream Team and we are currently dominating the Stiforp back office leader board with 13 of the top 30 recruiters in this Stiforp dream Team. See the screenshots

Why join Stiforp? Apart from the amazing products, YOU need to be in THIS team!

What Does the Stiforp Powerline Mean?

With over 1,000 members their first 48 hours into prelaunch, Stiforp are very happy to see that so many people are recognizing the value of these MUST HAVE tools.

As they approach their official launch, they will be adding more tools, resources, and functionality to the website. But already, you now have at your fingertips over $3,000 worth of tools to take ANY business on the internet to the NEXT LEVEL for just $9.95 per month.

Many people have been asking us what the powerline of Stiforp is all about and how does it work..

What Does the Stiforp Powerline Mean?

Many people have asked the question, What Does The Powerline Mean, and how many of those people will be under you in the matrix. So here’s the answer:

The Powerline, or Company Momentum page in your back office, is simply to show you how fast the company is growing. As an added bonus, stiforp pay out commissions the first month a member joins on the first 3 people under them in the powerline. This way they can get a cheque in people’s hands quickly, guarantee them a cheque, and show them that EVERYONE will get paid in Stiforp.

Each Tuesday and Friday night at midnight pacific time, the Stiforp system places everyone who joined during that cutoff period into the matrix in the order they are in in the powerline in the highest available position in their enroller’s matrix.

Since this is a 2 by matrix, that means everyone has two positions under them on their first level. After those two positions are filled, the ONLY place for everyone else to fall in their matrix is UNDER those two people. This is called spillover.

This allows you to be able to earn up to $2,047 per month in the matrix without any enrollment requirements, or over $8,000 per month if you join at the yearly level, one of the most exciting things about this compensation plan is you can get to the highest level in our compensation plan by personally enrolling only TWO people.

BUT, because Stiforps’ great tools, their low pricepoint, and everything that Stiforp has, it makes it VERY easy to enroll WAY more than just two people. In fact, if you look at their leaderboard, you will see that there are people who have already enrolled 5, 10, 20, 50, even over 100 people PERSONALLY…and that has ALL been done in just a few DAYS. Imagine how big those numbers will be after a few months…and how many people will have enrolled 5 or 10 or more people.

What that means is SPILLOVER, and a LOT of it.

What is most exciting is NOT the few hundred people you see under you in the Powerline right now. That is NOTHING. In fact most people won’t see spillover for at least a few weeks into the business. What is so exciting is that as this company becomes a household name and THOUSANDS of people join over the next few months, and potentially HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS, or even MILLIONS of people join over the next few years, the ONLY place for them to go is UNDER the people like YOU , who are already in there. THAT is what makes it exciting!

How long will it take for your matrix to fill up? Spillover doesn’t come from the company. It comes from the people above you in the matrix. Since nobody can accurately predict how many people the people above you will bring in and because some people’s matrix will fill faster than others depending on how many people the people above them in the matrix are enrolling, there is absolutely no possible way to know how fast a matrix will fill. It could take a few months. It could take a year. It is possible that it never fills completely. Either way, you don’t have to have a full matrix to make money. You will get paid on ALL the people under in your 2×12 matrix (or 2×14 matrix if you paid yearly) EVERY SINGLE MONTH!

The Value of STIFORP Tools

If you were to have one of Stiforp’s awesome flash movies made for your company, it would cost a MINIMUM of $1,500 EACH if not TWICE that amount. You have 3 with Stiforp. A dedicated conference call bridge that holds 100 people costs about $150. A live actor on your website would cost you at least $300 EACH (you have 3 to choose from). To have your own landing page designed, hosted, and programmed would cost at least $500 EACH (you have 8 already with Stiforp). A traffic rotator (if you could even find one) would cost you at least $50. Autoresponders are now at least $50 a month with a limited number of leads you can put in it (you get unlimited use with Stiforp).

Just those tools alone are worth well over $3,000 in value. In fact if you add up all of them, it comes close to $10,000 worth of tools that you can use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for about 30 cents a DAY.

While most companies in this industry have to inflate their prices to be able to pay out competitive commissions in their compensation plan, with over $3,000 worth of value for just $9.95 a day, AND the biggest compensation plan payout percentage in the industry, STIFORP is HOT.

PLUS, you will receive the best training in the industry to teach you step by step how to build ANY business in this industry easier, faster, and stronger than EVER, all while making even MORE money with their HUGE compensation plan.

THIS is beyond BIG.

August 5th is the First Cut Off Day

An opportunity to take your existing business to levels never before imagined. An opportunity to generate a second stream of income with the Stiforp compensation plan that could even make you MORE money than your primary. And an opportunity to LEARN the tips and secrets to be successful in ANY business on the internet for YEARS and YEARS to come.

To discover Stiforp for yourself, go to the Stiforp website and register free today. Why Join Stiforp?.

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